In Episode #10 of MetaScam, Peter and Andy sit down with Alex from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Commerce to discuss common scams they see, and why seniors tend to be targeted more often.
#9: Victor Lustig and Com-Dash Domain Names
Join Andy and Peter as the dive into the history of Victor Lustig, a man who sold the Eiffel Tower – TWICE… and then went on to scam none other than Al Capone! The show also takes a technical look at a common domain name scam, and Andy has some emails to share.
#7: Our Scam Bounty Round 1
Hey all! In this Episode, Peter and Andy cover some ancient scams, and jump into their first round of Scam Bounty! Remember, you can win an $20 Amazon Gift Code if the scam you submit it plausible and beats out the other submissions in creativity, and amount of money you can scam.
#6: Crowd Funding, Free Cruises, And More!
In this fantastic episode of MetaScam, Peter and Andy discuss potential Crowd Funding scams and what to be on the look out for, as well as the dreaded “Free Cruise” phone calls… and that’s just for starters! So, sit back, relax, and take some notes during Episode #6 of MetaScam!
#3: Penetration Testing & Some More Craigslist Scams
In episode #3 of MetaScam, Peter and Andy discuss some of the Social aspects of Penetration Testing, and Andy has a couple more Scams from Craigslist.